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Why to open a bank account in a Swiss Bank?
Eliminate all risks of the EU system:

1. currency risk: the possibility of not being affected (or even gaining) in the event of a euro-default, as the Swiss account can be denominated in CHF, which is legal tender only on Swiss territory.

2. sovereign default/debt restructuring risk: Some EU countries, including Italy, comply with the CACS clause on bonds issued since January 1, 2013, i.e., the state has the option to unilaterally restructure debt.

3. bail-in risk: Switzerland is a non-EU sovereign nation, so there is no bail-in law enacted by Brussels that involves savers (shareholders, bondholders and current account holders) in the event of a bank default.

4. Capital controls: in a hypothetical future scenario in which the dogma of free movement of capital (currently in place in the EU) is eliminated, if capital is already deposited in Switzerland, it is freely available-the banking business model is focused on capital strength.

Assets held in CH are also protected from possible human rights violations in your country of residence: think of matters of opinion (e.g., China's SCS or censorship of major social networks who can lead to an anti-democratic freeze) or shady litigation against you, where the court could immediately freeze your assets if held in your territory.
This is not a conspiracy theory, but it has already happened. For example: Canadian truckers' accounts unfrozen by their leftist government because they participated in a demonstration against Corona measures and restrictions on freedom; the British politician who was frozen by some banks because his ideas were not aligned with the current mainstream; some U.S. VIPs have also experienced the same retaliation; several entrepreneurs whose assets are preemptively frozen because the employee sued, but then the entrepreneur turns out to be innocent, but in the meantime has suffered great harm. And we could keep on going.

Least but not last, real & traditional Private Banks in CH do not engage in lending to customers who do not have registered assets or in risky derivatives/v.c. trading though their prop trading desk. In some cases, banks enjoy unlimited cantonal protection on deposits. In all cases, Swiss law guarantees the protection of cash deposits up to CHF 100,000.-

5. Strong economic, political and regulatory stability of Switzerland, a nation outside the EU and NATO, with monetary sovereignty (CHF). The total tax rates on companies or individuals and the burocracy are at the lowest level worlwide.Switzerland has efficient intercantonal tax competitiveness. - Best worldwide expertise in the wealth management industry. Around 1/3 of offshore capital isdeposited in CH.
Why to choose a Swiss based financial service?
Above you can read why to book your assets with a Swiss bank. But why let a CH bank or CH advisor take care of it. Here are the main reasons:

1. Huge experience in private banking, being the 1st offshore financial center

2. Access to all kinds of investment products, with no country or compliance restrictions

3. No currency restrictions

4. A strong financial culture and education that generates high-caliber professionals

5. Well-established investment services based on performance fees
Why to open a company in Switzerland?
Switzerland sets an example for the world as a business haven. That's for its peculiar features, given by its extraordinary history:

1. Direct democracy
2. Federalism
3. Liberal order in the economy
4. CHF - sovereing currency among the strongest hard currency in the World
5. Neutrality

The total corporate tax rate (federal + cantonal + municipal levels) ranges from 11.8% to about 21.5%. Considering potential deductions though (e.g., for R&D and patents), the minimum tax rate is set at about 9% in Canton Zug. This is certainly the lowest corporate tax rate in the world, along with the United Arab Emirates and other Eastern European jurisdictions that still cannot compete with Switzerland in all other business aspects.

The business-friendly environment is guaranteed: many cantons claim to consider entrepreneurs not as taxpayers but as customers. This is surely the ultimate dream of every businessman and should be a goal for every modern, developed economy.

"Tax Freedom Day" in Switzerland is in February. You work less than 2 months for the state and then it is all for you. Compared to many EU countries, especially the Mediterranean and Scandinavian socialist countries, where you work more than 6 months just to pay taxes. The state is effectively a hidden shareholder in your company, taking 50% of your business and your time, but giving you nothing in return.

Why to relocate yourself to Switzerland?
Switzerland is an example to the world as a business paradise. This is because of its unique characteristics, given by its extraordinary history:

1. Direct democracy: 4 rounds per year for federal, cantonal or municipal popular initiative; any citizen can initiate a popular initiative by collecting 100,000 valid signatures to go to the ballot and amend the Constitution.

2. Federalism: the cantons are sovereign for almost all issues: taxes, schools, justice, etc. The principle is that of subsidiarity: everything that can be done at the level closest to the people must be done. The federal government in Bern functions as a residual entity, dealing only with matters that the cantons cannot handle: currency, army, border defense. The Cantons keep their tax revenues for themselves and their residents.

3. Liberal order in the economy: the tax burden on SMEs and households is always kept as low as possible. A group of cantons, particularly those located in central Switzerland, see tax rates among the lowest in the world. Along with a business-friendly environment, where some cantons define SMEs as "customers" rather than "taxpayers" and engage in a successful intercantonal competition game.

4. CHF - strong and sovereign currency (the currency most covered by physical gold if we consider the gold per capita ratio).

5. Neutrality: some say it is weak, but it is still standing, and thanks to direct democracy, a vote on "integral democracy" is on the way.

The factors combined in the equation give a great result: the country is always in the top three places in every single economic and social ranking. For example:

1. fiscal competitiveness
2. GDP per capita
3. innovation
4. quality of life
5. people's safety (crime rate among the lowest in the world)
6. people's happiness
7. financial secrecy

Why to invest in precious metals in Switzerland?
Four out of six of the world's leading refineries are located in Switzerland. 75% of the world's raw Gold is refined in Switzerland and processed into bars according to LBMA standards. Here you can buy Gold (and other precious metals) directly from the source at a very competitive price compared to neighboring countries. Again, you will find other great advantages:

- you can buy Gold in cash. In Switzerland there are no legal limits on cash transactions

- you can buy Gold up to 15,000 Swiss francs per person with an anonymous invoice

- you can buy Gold through cryptocurrencies. Switzerland is one of the world's big 3 crypto-hubs. Here it's easy to find a dealer who accepts BTC, ETH or stablecoins as a means of payment.

- you can buy Gold in a confidential environment: your KYC and documents will be kept confidentially by the dealer, who is not allowed to trade with anyone (except a public prosecutor). Your purchase of Gold is not recorded and tracked on any public register, while in some EU countries if you purchase more than €12,500 worth of Gold, you are automatically tracked.

- You can store your Gold in a Swiss safe deposit box. The caveau can be at a Swiss Bank or can be independent, depending on your personal needs. Switzerland is the safest and most confidential country to store your physical assets.

33% of the offshore phyisical assets are stored in Switzerland that, along with the U.A.E. and Singapur, is still a leading offshore financial booking center due to its own peculiar characteristics of safety, independency and confidentiality.
Why to invest in cryptocurrencies in Switzerland?
Switzerland, which holds the top spot in the innovation rankings every year, can only be one of the world's major cryptocurrency hubs. The country was a pioneer in regulation, with the first legal framework on cryptocurrencies. A legal framework in line with Swissness: few rules, very clear and detailed, providing a liberal environment and legal certainty. FINMA has worked very well on this and so has Parliament. As a result, Switzerland has become home to some of the major cryptocurrency markets, both CeFi and DeFi, and many very interesting and innovative start-ups. The world's first crypto banks, with ordinary banking licenses, were born in Switzerland in 2019. To date, CH and UAE are the best crypto-hubs in the world.

From an investor's point of view, trading, staking and transferring cryptocurrencies in CH is easy. There are both banks, CeFi ex and DeFi ex, doing their business. The choice is really wide according to individual needs. Here it is possible to transact in cryptocurrency without limits. Under current law, you can purchase up to 1,000 francs per day and 100,000 francs per year without KYC requirements. Crypto-exchanges who do not have a Swiss banking license are not subject to the automatic exchange of information for foreign tax purposes.

Cryptocurrencies can be stored in 3 ways:

hot storage (CeFi)
cold storage (DeFi)
deep cold storage (DeFi wallets stored as ledgers in specific and very safe location, such as Swiss Alps, and protected by 3 or 4 entry levels)

Again, here's the thing: all a matter of safety and confidentiality.
What's the difference between CeFi and DeFi?
CeFi means : centralized finance. It's the only finance one saw so far. Between you and your own assets there is a third party, an intermediary, who you put trust in. It manages the custody and the transactions. Many people don't know that when you rely on a CeFi you change your status : you're no longer owner of your assets, but creditor of the intermediary. Sound weird, uh? That's why, for instance, they've the right to freeze them if they don't like any of your actions.

CeFi is an approach within the cryptocurrency market to handle the purchase, sale and trading of cryptocurrency tokens through a central exchange. CeFi is the cryptocurrency market equivalent of how traditional stock brokerages and investment firms handle fiat currency and equity trading in public stock markets. CeFi, unlike fiat currency equity trading, is not as tightly regulated all around the world, though there are regulations across Western economies, including the U.S. and Europe.

CeFi often requires Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance, which confirms a user's identity before they can begin using a centralized exchange. By authenticating the user's identity, KYC seeks to help prevent tax evasion, money laundering and terrorist funding.

In the CeFi model, custody of assets is held by a central exchange that is executing the transactions. As part of the asset management, the CeFi exchange holds the private keys for cryptocurrency wallets that enable access to cryptocurrency tokens on a blockchain. The central exchange is, in part, responsible for the safety, security and timely execution of transactions and properly reporting it all to the users. The central exchange in the CeFi model may charge handling and transaction fees to execute transactions, including buying, selling, trading and converting tokens.

DeFi means: decentralized finance. Also said: peer to peer. Here's the thing: you own your keys. You keep on being the owner. No intermediaries in between. Of course, with that status come responsabilities. If you loose your keys, none will be there to help you out.
With DeFi, cryptocurrency transactions -- including buying, selling, loans and payments -- can be enabled in a peer-to-peer approach.

DeFi takes a different approach to cryptocurrency trading than its CeFi cousin. With DeFi, there is no centralized exchange that holds custody over assets. Rather, the individual traders hold custody over the assets with control of the private keys. Instead of a central authority that users must rely on to execute transactions, there is a smart contract-based approach that generally runs on top of Ethereum-based blockchains.

While DeFi is all about removing any form of centralized control, it does use decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to help facilitate cryptocurrency operations. DEXs are not intended to act as authorities for executing transactions, but can serve to help enable the flow of transactions. There is a related concept of decentralized apps (dApps), which can also be used to help enable DeFi use cases with smart contract-based applications.

In DeFi, model fees that are often associated with financial services transactions are removed as the model is decentralized without a central authority to charge service fees.

What are the advantages of CeFi?

1.Customer service. Customer service is part of what many CeFi cryptocurrency exchanges provide to support users.
2.Fiat conversion. CeFi exchanges can enable the conversion of fiat currency to cryptocurrency.
3.Cross-chain support. CeFi provides mechanisms for cross-chain exchange across multiple cryptocurrency tokens.
4.Margin trading. Some CeFi exchanges enable users to trade with margin accounts, where a portion of the value is loaned with interest to the user.
5.Income. CeFi provides the possibility of interest income on assets.

What are the disadvantages of CeFi?

1.Custody. Funds are held outside of user custody.
2.Regulatory risk. There is a potential risk from regulatory authority compliance.
3.Accounting. Accounting and reconciliation are all handled by CeFi, rather than being entirely enabled via code in a smart contract.

What are the advantages of DeFi?

1.Custody. Custody over funds is controlled by the user.
2.Permissionless. There is no third-party identity verification needed, enabling what is referred to as a permissionless system.
3.Anonymous. DeFi can enable anonymous use of service and financial transactions.
4.DApps. DeFi supports new types of applications for financing, including dApps.
5.Fees. DeFi offers lower fees than CeFi-based transactions.

What are the disadvantages of DeFi?

1.Complexity. The DeFi model relies on sophisticated algorithms and smart contracts.
2.Security. DeFi systems have become a high-priority target for attackers.
3.Volatility. Volatility can be an issue as there is no central authority.
4.Customer service. There is no customer service since the technology is largely driven by algorithms, not humans.
What does offshore mean for us?
This is a crucial point for us.

In the old world, the word "offshore" has been misused to deal with illegal and complex tax evasion schemes. This word, which has no academic definition, originated in the United States after World War II, when the first people started bringing cash from Florida to the Bahamas.

But why use it so badly? Offshore is such a beautiful word. It makes you think of white, sandy beaches, avenues of palm trees reflected in the crystal clear ocean water.

That's what we mean: to help SMEs, especially small and micro enterprises, to transparently and properly escape from "hellish" countries from a business and tax point of view and move to "tax haven" countries, where they can drastically improve their lives; first of all the quality of personal and family life and then the quality of business.

Starving the beast , as Ronald Reagan said, is the ultimate and peaceful way to take away tax base in the modern world from countries that are oppressive and unfair to their own citizens..

This is our ultimate mission. We come from that world, we know our people perfectly, we have done our relocations before on our own skin, so now we know how to handle them properly.

We are entrepreneurs, not consultants, and we really like to go overseas.
Why to diversify your business and/or relocate yourself to other business friendly countries like the U.A.E. or Florida?
One must always prepare a plan B and a plan C. You never know what will happen in life. We are constantly updated on major changes in business haven jurisdictions. We have made a very detailed and sophisticated selection to find the best business havens for our beloved SMEs. CH, along with the UAE and Florida, offer similar conditions, but we see them as a combo. Something is better here, something there, combining the features and mixing the ingredients we find the perfect mix. That's why it pays to have more companies in these countries. Geopolitically it is also critical. These countries are located in different blocks of the world: West, East and Neutral. You never know what will happen: always having the opportunity to move quickly from one country to another puts you and your family on a pedestal of mental and financial security.
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