Main / About us

Who we are

We are a group of passionate institutional traders.

I’m the founder of NZ Investments GmbH. I’ve been running my own company in Switzerland since 2015.

NZ Investments is a trading & advisory Firm under Swiss FINSA law. I have 18 years of experience in the financial sector as a trader and specialize in alternative investments and offshore banking & asset protection services.

I was born in North-East Italy and I was graduated in Finance at Bocconi University in Milan. What I have done in my professional life you can read here:


What I’ve done on the human level, which I consider the most important is as simple as it is very complicated: I’ve identified the activities that I’m passionate about and that fulfill me personally, I’ve sewn around me the business I want to do, the people I want to have relationships with, the amazing and friendly countries in the world I wanna live in and/or visit, and I’ve turned this dream into a reality.

That is why in 2014 I definitely chose to live in Switzerland. It was not first of all for business, but for love. I have always loved this country in all its aspects (political, economic and social) and wanted to move here and become a Swiss citizen in time. You can read my story here:

I speak fluent English, Schwizerdütsch, Italian and some Russian. In my team we also speak French, Spanish and Russian.


My vision

This system tells you that only UHNWI and multinational companies can get extremely better life & business conditions. That’ s false : the same goals are achievable by small businesses and ordinary people. We did it succesfully for ourselves, we know how to put in the effort to get them.

You’ve also been told that you SMEs should be a tax & bureaucratic slave of the state. Did you decide to break free and open your own business? Ok, but you shall pay a bunch of taxes, a bunch of mental efforts in bureaucracy and regulatory issues.  Again, those leftist nations want you to face a business unfriendly environment that results in a high tax burden, frequent and often unjustified tax controls. All of this distracts you from the proper and joyful management of your business that is the only thing you need to think about.

The SMEs , at the leftist state’s sight, means people’s freedom. Definitely, it’s ultimate people’s freedom.

SMEs mean strong local communities living in peace and harmony; free cash circulation with no limits; free trade and mutual help in the communities; a sustainable growth altogether, where none should be poor; a great freedom in innovation and the opportunity for the young generation to work, make experience, grow and get a good salary without being forced to move. In short, the SME-led economy means a true liberal financial order in which the authorities regard entrepreneurs not as taxpayers but as highly valued customers and producers of wealth, creating a tax competition regime aimed at attracting the best entrepreneurs. That’s why they want you to go bust. This way, you’ll be forced to become a slave for large corporations, where your transformation from a human being to a number will be achieved. Junk salaries, junk treatment, junk food, junk life. That’s also why we were born and we established our mission, that would define as Christian.

Small business is the world to which I belong. My family had a small farm in northern Italy, and it is because of that and their work that I was able to go to a good university. So, I speak the same language, I know their efforts, their problems, their mindset and their dreams. That’s why I started to help my beloved small and micro businesses realize their dreams, after I experienced on my own skin how and where in this world to properly do that.

My mission

We strongly believe in Freedom as a Value. We want to provide freedom and welfare for small & medium business and ordinary people through offshore relocations and good investments solutions. Freedom is first of all a personal issue, than financial.

My team

Founder - Investment Manager
Investment Manager
Sales Assistant
IT Specialist
Tax & Corporate Advisor
Insurance Broker
Business Development & Banking specialist
Website under construction and working soon!